Executive Search

Successful organizations are able to attract, develop and retain passionate and talented employees with a view to the future.

Finding and attracting the best talent requires a specific professional approach: Executive Search is the recruitment and selection of executives by means of a direct and confidential approach. Our business is the identification, attraction and recruitment of managers, high potentials and specialists with confirmed track records in their field, ranging from junior positions to C-level.

We are a strategic partner to our clients, because of our high-quality service and our personalized operating methodology.

Our business philosophy, what do we stand for:

  • At Q4Talent, all Partners are former senior executives, with a large industry experience and function knowledge
  • Our methodology is based on a thorough understanding of our clients strategy, organizational structure and culture
  • All Q4Talent Partners are personally committed in each stage of the search process, no part of the process is delegated to researchers
  • In order to assure the success of the hiring, a periodic follow-up with the client and the candidate in the first year after the assignment is part of our policy
  • In spite of our acquired senior management experience, Q4Talent Partners are permanently seeking to improve, update and refine their industry knowledge and functional expertise

Our innovative and experienced executive search approach helps you finding the best talents in the market, a guarantee for boosting you business!